Volunteer Today & Make a World of Difference

Member involvement in volunteer roles is essential in building a strong association, one that provides optimal educational, networking, resources, and leadership opportunities for members. Volunteering with IHIMA will connect you with peers and colleagues, expose you to innovative ideas, and provide you with meaningful ways to connect with Indiana's health information community.

Consider volunteering and share IHIMA’s mission to lead the advancement of quality health information by empowering people to impact health in Indiana. Without volunteers, IHIMA would not be the premier association for health information professionals in Indiana.
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available with IHIMA. Depending on your availability and interests, you can work with an ongoing committee or participate on short-term projects. The average time commitment will vary from two to 12 hours each month depending on the committee, project, or position in which you participate. Volunteering provides you with the opportunity to network with other health information professionals from the entire state while helping IHIMA meet its goals.
Volunteer opportunities include participation in the following areas:
  • Volunteer to help during the Annual Meeting & Exhibit. (Note: A Call for Volunteers occurs closer to the conference)
  • Volunteer to help with a committee as a chair or a member.
  • Volunteer as a content leader and share your knowledge and expertise as a speaker.
  • Students can volunteer as a Student Liaison or assist with student membership projects.
  • Submit your name for consideration for the IHIMA ballot. (Note: A Call for Ballot Nominations occurs every Fall.)
Note:  If you sign up to volunteer, and do not hear from anyone within one week, please contact us to discuss options for participating. Keep in mind, if there is not an opportunity to volunteer at the time, the Board is always looking for more ways to partner with the membership. If you want to volunteer, partner, or have a project of your own that would benefit the state membership and IHIMA we could possibly help, we want to hear from you.

Communication Committee
     • Facilitate AHIMA's Indiana Access online Community
     • Liaison for social media updates and develops newsletter

Education Committee
     • Plan topics, agenda, and content of education programs
     • Identify, evaluate, work with speakers

Legislative Committee
     • Monitor state and federal legislative updates
     • Plan Advocacy Day at the Indiana Statehouse

Member Relations Committee
     • Develop strategies for membership growth, engagement, and retention
     • Facilitate the Mentor/Mentee program

Nominating Committee
     • Recruit qualified ballot nominees for the upcoming Board year
     • Solicit Achievement Award nominations for recommendations to the Board

Policies and Procedures Committee
     • Review IHIMA policies and procedures for updates
     • Presents recommendations to the Board for approval

Technology Committee
     • Research new products that meet strategy and growth objectives
     • Execute the business strategy by providing technology support

Speaker Opportunity
     • Share your knowledge and area of expertise through educational programs
     • Earn continuing education credits as a speaker

Student Liaison
     • Develop ways to engage with the student membership
     • Promote student involvement at the state and regional level

Board of Directors Member
     • Provide leadership oversight and guidance in the affairs of the Association
     • Advocate for the profession, the members, and the Association
     • Serve as a voting member in the AHIMA House of Delegates
     • Perform duties as outlined in the IHIMA Bylaws 

Frequently Asked Questions - Volunteers

What areas can I volunteer?
As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to dedicate your time to a variety of areas. The volunteer opportunities are listed above. When more volunteer opportunities are available, information will be posted to this webpage and sent in an email.

What are the requirements for becoming a volunteer?
Volunteers must have an AHIMA Professional membership type in good standing both at the time of the election/appointment and time of service.
What are the steps to becoming a volunteer?
To become a volunteer, you must fill out the online volunteer form. Make sure to select ALL your areas of interest. We will try to place you in one of your preferred areas. Keep in mind, committee members are typically placed at the beginning of the board year on July 1.
What are the benefits of serving as a volunteer?
There are many benefits to serving as a volunteer including personal growth, networking, and giving back to the profession and the Association.
What is a Committee Member?
A Committee Member is a volunteer member of IHIMA but not a member of the Board of Directors. Committee Members serve on an assigned committee in order to accomplish a goal - such as vetting speakers for the Annual Meeting or brainstorming and providing ideas for a new endeavor.
How do I volunteer as an Elected Board Member?
There is a separate Call for Ballot Nominations by the IHIMA Nominating Committee. This happens in the Fall each year. As an IHIMA member, you will receive an email when the nomination period opens. Information will be posted to the website during the nomination period too. 

How many Board meetings are you asked to attend as a Board Member?
There will be at least five face-to-face and/or virtual Board meetings that Board Members are expected to attend. In-person meetings will be held in Indianapolis. Board meetings are scheduled at the beginning of the Board year. 

Are the face-to-face Board meetings formal?
No, business casual dress is always encouraged when attending the Board meetings. Though much business is discussed at the meetings, the atmosphere is relaxed.
How long do I serve as a volunteer?
Committee Members - The commitment is for 1 year. The association year begins July 1 and runs through June 30.
Short-Term Projects – It depends on the project, but usually until the completion of the project.
I really have not been involved with anything on the state level, can I still volunteer?
Absolutely! Just complete the online volunteer form and you will be contacted about how you can serve. Although it is a volunteer position, one of the most important qualities of a good volunteer is the ability to commit to and follow through on a project.
I am currently a student; can I serve as a Committee Member?
We appreciate and encourage student involvement! Depending on your experience, we may utilize your skills as a Committee Member or on other tasks throughout the year. When completing the online volunteer form, please indicate your student status and we will let you know where we need you!
If I have further questions about volunteering, who can I talk to?
Contact us! We are happy to answer any questions you may have. We can also put you in contact with a member currently serving as a volunteer and have them answer your questions.