Advocacy Efforts in Indiana 

Advocacy in Action

Getting Started…

  • Advocacy is vital to achieving the health information professional’s role in ensuring patient health information is accurate, timely, complete, and available to patients and providers.
  • Being an effective health information management advocate goes beyond contacting legislators when a critical bill is on the floor for a vote.
  • Advocacy is a year-round commitment to building meaningful connections with decision makers at every level – making relationships we can draw on when the time comes to advocate for a specific bill or issue.
  • Introduce yourself to your representatives and get to know them. Your representatives schedule “informal” meetings with their constituents – they want to meet and discuss issues.
  • Take advantage to attend advocacy sessions like the IHIMA Day at the Statehouse to meet with your state legislatures.
  • Be active on social media in sharing advocacy initiatives.
  • Subscribe to get updates on advocacy at AHIMA to stay informed.
  • Be part of our Association’s grassroots efforts in contacting legislators concerning key legislative initiatives.

AHIMA Advocacy Training Modules

AHIMA launched a series of educational videos to assist AHIMA members in developing the skills needed for advocacy. The videos are led by members of AHIMA’s policy and government affairs team. These educational videos offer an opportunity to learn more about why advocacy matters, understand the regulatory process, how to meet with elected officials, how to leverage social media for advocacy, and suggestions for how you can get involved in advocacy at AHIMA. Check out this valuable resource!